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Halloween Special  : Hyrbid No.1  Specices:  Unknown    behavior : Chaotic

Location-Isla Nublar

Date- Oct/31/2003

 It was 9.00 PM on Isla Nublar, many Jurassic Park employes are already heading to the east Dock. I'm working as security for the night, however not much happens when it's dark on Isla Nublar. So it began, I sat just as soon as I thought my shift began.                       (33 minutes later)       See I told you, nothing happens when it's dark. It was time for me to check the cams. I did a quick scan, till then BEEP BEEP BEEP                                            , I noticed that scratch                                                        marks were on the lab walls.                                              They didn't look like any                                                       random dinosaur's marks.


 I went to my partner "Eernie's" desk and got his Jeep Wrangler keys. I went to the the garage and noticed the garage door was cracked wide open. my heart was beating when I heard footsteps, I stood completly still. Then I saw it, it was a huge dinosaur, reaching 48 feet in lenght and 20 feet tall.                                                                                                                    I got on the Jeep                                                                  stepped on the                                                                      gas only to alarm                                                                the creature, all                                                                    of the sudden it                                                                                                      started to change from blue to a reddish color, it started to chase me. I turned to the East Dock, for a minute I thought I lost it. "CRASH"!! The wall broke open and the creature lunged at me. I jumped into the                                                                  the nearest boat,                                                                                                                                                                           I grabbed                                                                      a harpoon gun                                                                      and shot the                                                                          beast, it roared                                                                    in pain. I drove                                                                      away into the                                                                        night and never                                                                                                      wanted to come. "I spared no exspense." I said.                                                              

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